24 lut (Help!) I need somebody (Help!)
(Help!) I need somebody (Help!)
Not just anybody (Help!) You know I need someone (Help!). The Beatles lyrics resonates well here.
Humble Hearts Club met yesterday to to discuss how we could support each other in charity projects relating to making world a better place. Common platform of both Międzynarodowy Ruch Latających Plecaczków / Flying Bag and tohelpafrica.org is helping children.
There are many aspects where parents cannot help. In Africa they are starving themselves. In developed countries they are quite often to busy to listen carefully what their kids have to say.
Next event on our radar is International Flying Bag Conference in Warsaw on 15th of October. The idea is simply to listen to kid’s needs. Give them the mike to speak up. The conference comprises two areas:
1. School visits: guests like athletes, business people or firemen sharing their stories. Plus let the kids talk about anything that comes to their minds.
2. 10 am – 4 pm conference in Warsaw with notable guests and panelists sharing their thoughts how to make a world a better place for children. I am honored to be one of the speakers during the conference.
Stay tuned as conference details are concerned.
We are looking for good souls to join our Humble Hearts Club. Do you want to be a part of the experience? Do you want to help? Do you think charity project is a good way to meet friends that are alike? Do you want to be volunteer with us? Do you want to be a sponsor to show that not only you declare but also live the idea of ESG?
If you say “yes” to any of the questions above contact me directly: +48 573 55 66 88, olszewski.jaroslaw@gmail.com
Have a good day everyone.
Kiedy dobroczynność staje się stylem życia świat wydaje się lepszy, a łącząc nasz zapał możemy przenosić góry😊 dziękuje Kira Sukhoboichenko, Lucyna Bieńkowska , Natalia Tulik , 🌶 Jarek Olszewski, FCCA, CFA, CIA , za wczorajsze spotkanie i mnóstwo kreatywnych pomysłów.